Monday, August 31, 2015

Whirling Around

I made Whirling Around for the Project Quilting Focus Through the Prism pinwheel challenge.

I started with 3D pinwheel blocks and a scrappy background in lighter blues.  I had one extra pinwheel which for some reason spun the wrong way, so I added it to the middle by setting in a circle.

I intended to do some really simple quilting since it is apple season at Lapacek's Orchard, but I soon decided I was not doing justice to my quilt, so I gave it the tight quilting it needed to make the pinwheels pop.

Created near Poynette, WI.


  1. How did you do that?! I'm so impressed, you did a magnificent job! The design is beautiful and its quite a feat to have pulled off that construction!

    1. Thank you. I did it by drawing a circle and lining the blocks up around it to decide how they would fit and how many wedges I would need. Each block was trimmed to fit the wedge, then it was just a matter of filling in the background.

  2. I really like the way pinwheels turned out and are sewn into the seams.
