Saturday, January 7, 2017


Created for the Project Quilting Season 8 Eight is Great challenge.

My first idea for this challenge was to make 8 evergreen trees and and make them into a wall quilt.  It seemed like a good enough idea and would go together quick and easy and I've been obsessed with these neat little evergreens.  

I decided to sleep on it before beginning and a Kaleidoscope using the technique from Ricky Tims found its way into my brain. Seemed like an idea that was more than just good enough, so I went with it.  It's the beauty of Project Quilting.  It takes you out of your rut and inspires you to make something that wasn't on your radar.

Created by Diane Lapacek near Poynette, WI.
28" x 28"


  1. I love it! and the quilting is awesome, too! Was it weird not knowing until Sunday noon for the first time ever? :)

  2. Kind of weird, although I almost never had a clue what I wanted to make until after the challenge was posted. This was a great challenge. Lots of possibilities and doable by anyone. As you can tell by the number of entries, you did a great job.

  3. Gorgeous. Love what came of that octagon. Congrats
