Saturday, March 20, 2021

Ab Intra Garden

Created for Project Quilting 12.6 Ab Intra challenge.

For some reason I forgot to look at what the challenge was this week until the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Of course, I had to look it up right away, then laid awake thinking about what I could do. I had a fairly busy week because I have been planting lots of seeds in my basement.  I have a great space down there that was built as a mother-in-law suite by the previous owners. It's now my quilting studio complete with kitchen, guest room and sunroom. 

I use the oven in the downstairs kitchen as a germination chamber. I replaced the light bulb with a curly florescent and it stays at a pretty steady 72 degrees with high humidity. Perfect for germinating. I germinate lots of things in little cups with damp napkins and it seems they all were ready for planting at once. They need to go back in the warmth of the oven until they pop through the soil before being moved to my sunroom where the temperature is in the 50s most nights. So, I have 3 flats in the oven, 3 on top of my upstairs refrigerator, and 1 on top of the water heater.

So it's no wonder my mind went to gardening. I remembered I had done some quilts using a garden path block back in 2015 when we used it as a project at the Quilts by Barb Quilt Retreat Getaway Weekend where I taught. Project decided. Go back to sleep. Babysit little grandchildren on Tuesday and see my sisters for the first time in many months on Wednesday and the week is slipping away. Especially since all those flats are calling for attention and there are more seeds ready to be put into soil.

So a simple table runner using the garden path block.

I had some border fabric with apple trees a friend had given me, and, since Lapacek's Orchard is part of my family, I stack n whacked some up for the centers of my blocks. I had a fabric with stones in my stash, so that became the paths and assorted greens created the rest of the gardens.

Created by Diane Lapacek near Poynette, WI.
14" x 44"

And here are the garden path quilts I made back in 2015.



Ok, I know the pillows don't match. I didn't have a picture of this one, but wanted to include it and these are the pillows that were on my bed... with a different quilt.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Crazy Pins

 Created for Project Quilting12.5 You're Crazy challenge.

For this challenge I made a pincushion. I had some pieces of hand dyed vintage linens hanging out by my cutting mat. They may have a spot in a future project. Something to do with leaves and hexagons.  We'll see if my vision can come to life...  

Anyway, these pieces looked like they could work for the You're Crazy challenge. There was some hand embroidery involved and assorted lace on the edge of some pieces. Perfect. So I pieced them together. Sometimes I just laid the lace edge over the top and top-stitched it down. I liked the crazy quilt look and made a second piece for the reverse side of my pincushion.

Created by Diane Lapacek near Poynette, WI.
